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    Helping Esther and Camille shape the next generation of leaders in Eastern Congo

    Day 20

    A New Day

    Meet Esther and Camille, the founders of Un Jour Nouveau

    Originally from western Congo and educated in Orange County, California, the couple chose to return to DRC and dedicate their lives to helping young people realize a new, better future in Goma. One that might help them heal from the devastating trauma of recent decades and transform themselves — and their city — into the leaders of the future. 

    Un Jour Nouveau is supported by the Eastern Congo Initiative, Alight’s partner, dedicated to supporting Congolese-led solutions for Congo. Esther and Camille surely fit the bill — they’re leaders that kids can look up to. 

    When they first moved to Goma, their families thought they were crazy. But, they said, “it’s the best decision we’ve ever made.” They’re real life superheroes, doing the doable every single day! 

    One of the many things they do at Un Jour Nouveau is help elevate emerging entrepreneurs, providing business training, an incubator space, and a co-working office for young people in Goma looking to start or build their business.

    Their incubator and co-working space is brand new, so when we were brainstorming ideas for how to help, one thing was obvious….desks!! Because you can’t have an office with no place to work.

    We provided five desks so that five more people can have access to the talent and opportunity that this community offers up! 

    “Our goal is to empower and lift local people,” said Esther, “so that they can discover, develop, and display their true potential.” 

    They’re already well underway in accomplishing this goal. With a little boost from 365, they’re one step closer. 

    Photos by Lens on Life photographers, Operation Goma (DRC): Kennedy Ngoa and Michel Basizi 

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


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