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    Water While You Wait

    DAY 356

    A Cool Drink of Water

    The Sudanese are a hospitable people. And that’s what today in South Darfur was all about.

    Sadiq Adam has worked with us for the past 14 years. He started as a security guard in 2006. And for the last few years he had been studying for his certification as a medical assistant while continuing his work with us. Now Sadiq is a Medical Assistant at our Health Center in Sector 1 of Kalma Camp. And he’s been wanting to make a change there for several months now.

    “Mothers and children come to our health center early in the morning and often must wait all day before they receive care,” Sadiq told us. “I wish we could make sure they at least have some water to drink while they wait.”

    That seemed easy enough to do. And in Sudan, they already have a handy little hospitality custom that we could just copy. You’ll find large jugs of water, sitting beneath a shade, lining any street or road. They’re there for travelers to quench their thirsts and regain some strength as they continue on their way.

    So, at Sadiq’s suggestion. We got to work to set up a water station for the Health Center. And the custodial team agreed to refill the jugs and keep it all clean and tidy on a daily basis.

    Visiting the Health Center is already usually a difficult experience. And not having access to drinking water just makes everything that much harder. We were so glad for Sadiq’s idea to improve the experience and bring a little bit of comfort to those already not feeling their best.

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


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