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    A shady spot for visitors

    Day 149

    A Pitched Tent

    It’s one of our last days in Nakivale (for now!) and we thought we’d do a little something to make our office a better space for refugees. The ARC compound is a hub of activity throughout the day. Situated in the center of the settlement, in what is called basecamp, it’s nearby other offices offering services to refugees.

    You’ll always find it filled with people coming, going and seeking a slice of shade while waiting for appointments or just catching up with neighbors.

    “People that don’t even have appointments come here, just to be close to the office. They feel safe just being here,” says Jimmy, ARC’s logistics officer.

    With a few volunteers, we set about transforming what once was a storage tent into a cool, waiting area. The first step was clearing out and organizing the various items that cluttered the tent. Next, it was time for a good scrubbing to take off the layer of Nakivale dust.

    Now that the tent was looking nice and clean, we need something that would make it a comfortable waiting area. So, Jimmy worked with a local contractor in Nakivale to custom-build cushioned benches – it was the finishing touch to offer people a welcoming, shaded space. “It’s nice, it tells people come, sit here,” says Jimmy.

    This change made possible by Cresa.

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


    The world’s tough problems can seem insurmountable. So at Alight, while we tackle those big problems we also do what’s doable. Right then. And that’s what Changemakers 365 is all about. Learn more!


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