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    Making the beds for Tajuana and her family

    Day 283

    Beds Made

    Yesterday, we were able to get Tajuana and her kids up off the floor of the apartment where they’re staying. The family lost their home and everything in it to Hurricane Harvey. With help from Mattress Mack, we got them each a new mattress. But it takes more than a mattress to make a bed.

    In their small apartment, their beds are really the only space they can have to themselves. So, on Day 283, we brought Tajuana and her family the bedding – sheets, pillow and blanket – to make their beds a space all their own. Black for Tajuana, blue for Brodrick, pink floral for Mykala and red for Todrick.

    The kids were away at school when we arrived, so we asked Tajuana to sit and relax while we made up the beds. She was really excited to surprise the kids with their brand-new comfy beds. “They’re gonna say, ‘Mama, where did these come from.”

    Hopefully a good night’s sleep will help Tajuana and the kids get the energy they need to keep moving forward.

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


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