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    Keeping gardens healthy and lush

    Day 26

    Feeding the Leaves

    As any backyard gardener or long-time farmer knows, we can plant as many seeds as we like, but they won’t grow without proper nutrients, water, and sunlight. Places like Nakivale and Oruchinga have sunlight down – crops grow there all year long — but this continued use means the soil takes quite a beating, nutrient wise.

    To solve this problem, we got all four greenhouses foliar fertilizers to accompany their new fruit and vegetable seeds! Foliar fertilizer is liquid, and it’s applied directly to the leaves. The plants absorb these essential nutrients directly through their leaves to grow bigger, stronger, and to produce larger yields.

    The farmers at our greenhouses were excited to receive the fertilizer. With limited access to manure and almost no access to other fertilizers, the foliar fertilizers will supplement what they would use and help them grow more to eat.

    Monica, a long-term member at the Juru Greenhouse, has already felt the effects of this community and is looking forward to the groups continued success: “Because of the greenhouses, we now have something to eat at home and this is a livelihood for us. It also brings us together as a team and community.”

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


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