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    Building a playground in Bidi Bidi

    DAY 71

    Where Kids Can Be Kids

    Growing up in a refugee camp isn’t easy. During a time in life when kids are most vulnerable, most impressionable, they’re are often forced to deal with very adult situations. There’s not a lot of time or opportunity for kids to simply be kids.

    One of the things we do in Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement is set up community help desks, where refugees can go to learn about services in the settlement, and victims of violence can also find a caring and trained ear to talk about what they’ve experienced – and find help. Most are women, and many of them bring their children.

    Seeing an opportunity, one ARC team member – Juma – had an idea. “If we could have a playground” he said, “it would surely help our work.” Why? Because it allows mothers to relax and more freely share their experiences. And, it gives kids a chance to play.

    So the ARC team went about finding a playground. And when the equipment arrived from Kampala, the work began – digging post holes and clearing ground for the play area. Community members jumped in to help too, volunteering to dig, carry stones, or pour cement. Even young kids from nearby homes came to lend a hand.

    Soon the playground was ready, and the slides and swings were filled with smiling kids. “They are already making friends with their new neighbors,” Juma said. “You can see what is already happening – talking and enjoying time together.”

    Now kids can use the playground anytime they’d like. What a difference a day can make.

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


    The world’s tough problems can seem insurmountable. So at Alight, while we tackle those big problems we also do what’s doable. Right then. And that’s what Changemakers 365 is all about. Learn more!


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