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    Showing some love to Oruchinga’s most senior residents

    Day 58

    Resilient and Strong

    The average length of stay in a refugee camp is 17 years. But for Francisco and Elizabeth, it’s been closer to 25.

    “They came to Uganda from Rwanda in 1994,” said Mercy from the ARC team. “They’ve been here a long time.”

    Now both nearing 90 years old, Francisco and Elizabeth don’t have any family to support them. They get by with the help of neighbors and organizations like ARC. But life is tough. “They face so many challenges,” said Mercy.

    One of those challenges is access to electricity. For the past few days, we’ve explored the power of light – and how even just a small increase in access can change lives. And for Day 58, we’re bringing that change to these two.

    Solar-powered energy is often the best option for many people living in Oruchinga Refugee Settlement. Unlike the power grid that is inconsistent – and not to mention expensive! – the sun’s power is free, reliable, and almost always there when you need it. Especially in Uganda!

    So we had just the thing for them – Watts of Love headlamps. Made possible by The Shine on Project, these headlamps are bright, sturdy, adjustable, and long-lasting.

    We sat down with Francisco and Elizabeth, who live in the same neighborhood in Oruchinga Refugee Settlement, and showed them how to use their new headlamps.

    They’re both reserved and humble people – but we could tell they were happy.

    “I wasn’t able to move outside before at night, but now I can,” said Elizabeth. “It will help in cooking meals in the evening too.”

    Francisco tried his on for size, wearing his new lamp proudly. “God bless you,” he said. “Thank you, thank you.”

    Our two new friends are incredibly resilient people. They’ve seen and experienced so much. And in their own small way, these headlamps will add to that resilience – a little more light during the darkest times.

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


    The world’s tough problems can seem insurmountable. So at Alight, while we tackle those big problems we also do what’s doable. Right then. And that’s what Changemakers 365 is all about. Learn more!


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