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    All the nutrition and fuel they need

    Day 239

    Take Your Vitamins

    On Day 239, we wanted to make sure the refugee athletes training for the Olympics at the camp in Nairobi had all of the raw material they need to succeed. They work so hard each and every day – in school and in training.

    “I want to be a champion,” said Brenda, who lived alone in Kakuma refugee camp before coming to the Nairobi training camp. “I train hard to carry my brothers and sisters in the camp (Kakuma). We have refugees all over the world. We can do anything like anyone.”

    The refugee athletes are determined to succeed. So, on Day 239 we wanted to make sure they had their bodies working optimally, so they could get their best results. So, we brought them their vitamins. Vitamin C and Calcium for all of the athletes. Having the proper vitamins is crucial for everyone – but it’s especially important for athletes training and competing at such a high level.

    We also delivered oils and creams for post-workout massages. The team has a massage bed, and the coach attends to the runners who need attention most after a particularly challenging training session.

    We delivered small items on Day 239, but we know that for athletes reaching for such great heights every little bit makes a difference.

    Another change made possible by Atomic Data.

    Photos by Katie G. Nelson

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


    The world’s tough problems can seem insurmountable. So at Alight, while we tackle those big problems we also do what’s doable. Right then. And that’s what Changemakers 365 is all about. Learn more!


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