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    Helping a group of kids become a team

    Day 207

    The Purpose of Futbol

    We’ve already seen how playing futbol can benefit students in Nakivale settlement. From the youngest kids just entering primary school to the oldest playing sports in between studies at the Secondary School, everyone seems to have futbol on the brain. But what about the kids who aren’t in school? They needed support too.

    That’s where ARC staff Philip Wandera and Jimmy Ocieng stepped in. They see kids every day playing in pickup games just outside the ARC offices, in a location known as Base Camp. And they wanted a way to support the youngest players in the community – those that couldn’t yet play in a school league. “These are young kids” says Philip. “After all, talent starts at a young age, and maybe futbol can help some of these kids.”

    So on Day 208, we visited the kids and met with Shubi Baganga and Sam Mugisha, youth leaders in Base Camp. They were ecstatic when we handed out equipment to support their futbol team, including jerseys, cleats, and new soccer balls.

    “Now we will be a real team!” squealed one of the players. The kids are now fully equipped, so they can stay safe and healthy during practice. And more practice helps hone their talent, allowing their community league to compete against another teams throughout the settlement.

    “Futbol brings children together. It increases discipline, breaks boredom, brings a sense of togetherness” Shubi said. Sam added “That is the purpose of futbol. It brings a unity, health, livelihood. We can showcase their talent.” The youth leaders are ready to get to work. And the kids? They’re ready to play.

    Special thanks to Kenan Hanhan, SweatShop Health Club, Clif Bar and anonymous donors for helping these kids become a team!

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


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