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    Whistle while you wait at Asili’s busiest water point

    Day 11

    Music to Our Ears

    The weariness of standing in line is a universal thing. And some of Asili‘s customers at the water kiosk in Ciriri were feeling a little weary as they stood with their jerry cans, waiting their turn to fetch Asili water.

    Ciriri is one of the busiest water points, and crowds of kids and mamas can sometimes get restless.

    So the team had an idea…how easy would it be to get a speaker, put on some music, and have a little fun with it? It was a perfect project for Changemakers 365—and a boost in customer service.

    “For people here, music is a celebration,” said Mama Salome, one of our all-star community marketers and one of the team members who championed this idea. “They can’t help but feel a little lighter.”

    So the team grabbed a speaker, loaded up some music, and set it up at the Ciriri water point.

    This isn’t your average music on hold….it’s lively gospel music, everyone’s favorite, and managed by Pascasia, the kiosk manager. She’ll make sure it’s to the tune of everyone’s tastes.

    It’s already a huge hit with the kids (not to mention Asili staff!), who are so often the water fetchers for their families…as you can see!

    Photos by Lens on Life photographers, Operation Goma (DRC): Kennedy Ngoa and Michel Basizi 

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


    The world’s tough problems can seem insurmountable. So at Alight, while we tackle those big problems we also do what’s doable. Right then. And that’s what Changemakers 365 is all about. Learn more!


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