Alight in action

in Ethiopia


received GBV prevention and care


received water, sanitation, and hygiene services

Founding year
Customers served
Enterprise Executive Director
Adan Adar
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In November 2020, armed conflicts erupted in Ethiopia's northern regions, disrupting harvest preparations and causing widespread displacement. More than 9.4 million people require food assistance due to the violence, and over 5 million individuals in Amhara and Tigray have been affected by devastating drought-like conditions, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis.

  • Shelter and essential aid to support families recovering from displacement
  • Specialized lifesaving GBV services, such as the Clinical Management of Rape (CMR), psycho-social support (PSS), GBV case management, legal aid, and referral mechanisms
  • Nutrition programs to bolster the well-being of underprivileged groups, particularly children under five and expectant or nursing mothers
  • Safe spaces designed to cater to the needs of women and children, providing them with a secure refuge in times of distress
Alight provides critical aid to Ethiopians amid conflict

Two million people were displaced within Ethiopia due to the Tigray War, and more than 60,000 refugees, many of them children, fled to Sudan's Gedaref and Kassala states. Alight quickly mobilized teams in these areas to provide medical care, clean water, and shelter. Our teams, already assisting Eritrean refugees in Kassala, were well-prepared for this crisis. Additionally, Alight humanitarians from around the world were deployed to support this humanitarian emergency.

A safe place where children can be children

The shocks and hardships of displacement can have lasting effects on children. This is why Alight operates a safe space specifically made for them, one where they have the chance to feel like kids again, with toys and books, resources for their parents, and access to health and nutrition services.

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