Manage your giving

You can edit or cancel your recurring donation by creating an account.

Edit recurring donation

Scroll to Recurring Donation and select Edit Donation. Make your changes, then select Save Changes.

If you can't find the edit donation button, contact for help making changes.

Update your payment information

To update your recurring donation's payment information, follow the same steps above and select Update Payment. Enter your new information and select Save Payment. You can also change your payment method to a bank transfer or credit card.

Cancel your donation

To cancel your recurring donation, follow the steps above and select Cancel Recurring Donation, then confirm.


I can't edit my donation


If you followed the steps on this page and cannot edit your donation, please contact Donor Services at

The page is not loading.


If you are using Safari as your web browser, you may need to disable cross-site tracking. To do so, follow these instructions. If you are using another browser, you may need to clear your cache. View our guide to learn how to clear your browser's cache.

Why did my recurring donation fail?


The most common cause for a failed recurring donation is an expired credit card. To fix the issue, update your credit card information using the steps above. If you've recently moved, you may also need to update your billing address. If your card information and billing address are up to date, we recommend contacting your card issuer or bank for help.

Can I retry my recurring donation after it has failed?


Yes, instead of waiting for the next processing date, you could update the next processing date to tomorrow. That way, your donation will be processed again. You can always edit the date again to change it back to your preferred processing date by using the steps above.

Can I put my recurring donation on pause?


While there is no official way to pause, you can always change the frequency and processing date to control when you give.

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