Case Study

Educating one million kids in Pakistan

Alight and Education Above All worked closely to reach and enroll children in quality primary education. Our efforts included engaging with local communities, educating parents, constructing new schools, training teachers, and designing practical solutions tailored to local needs.

Alight Pakistan

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In 2018, Alight launched an ambitious initiative to enroll more than one million out-of-school children in Pakistan. With a staggering 5.6 million unenrolled children—the second largest in the world—the country was in dire need of change.

70% of all of Pakistan’s children have never attended school. As they grow older, the likelihood of them staying in school diminishes drastically, with most dropping out by high school.  

Several factors contribute to this educational crisis. Many children are needed at home for work or to care for family members, and the rigid formal education system often fails to accommodate their needs. Financial barriers such as the cost of uniforms, school supplies, and fees, along with parental disinterest or lack of understanding of education’s value, further exacerbate the issue. Additionally, the distance to the nearest school can be prohibitive for many families.

In response, Alight partnered with Qatar's Education Above All Foundation, signing an agreement to support Pakistan’s Federal Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. This collaboration made the country the largest recipient of Qatar's commitment to educate 10 million children worldwide.

Over the next three years, Alight and Education Above All worked closely to reach and enroll children in quality primary education. Our efforts included engaging with local communities, educating parents, constructing new schools, training teachers, and designing practical solutions tailored to local needs.  

We established 233 non-formal/community schools offering a flexible alternative option to those unable to join mainstream schools, and we upgraded 4,266 existing public schools, increasing their capacity to accept more students.  

Alight Pakistan

We developed and distributed workbooks, stationery, and other school essentials. We devised an accelerated curriculum to help students catch up on their lost years of education. We made sure that our teachers had access to in-person and online training.

Our approach was to meet children where they were and to make education more accessible and flexible. This included offering alternative learning schools, non-formal education programs, and afternoon sessions in formal government schools to accommodate those who cannot afford school fees or need a flexible schedule.

Beyond addressing logistical challenges, Alight also worked to make educational opportunities more relevant and appealing to both children and their families. By linking the value of education to a family's livelihood and way of life, parents are more likely to prioritize schooling for their children.

By its conclusion in 2021, the campaign proved hugely successful. It resulted in the enrolment of 1,101,549 out of school children, including 505,091 girls.

When it comes to effective and sustainable solutions, community involvement and adaptability were vital. Collaborative partnerships with educational institutions, particularly within the formal state education system, public-private partnerships, and the strengthened capacity of government departments and NGOs were also essential for the initiative's success.

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