
FAQ + How to Help: Foreign Aid Cuts

Alight has been doing the doable for 45 years, and hopes to continue to do so for another 45 years+ despite the challenging times. We believe the world is full of amazing people who want to help - please consider a donation to Alight's Emergency Fund today!

Was Alight impacted by the Executive Order announced on January 24, 2025, freezing existing foreign aid programs?

Yes, Alight received significant funding from the U.S. foreign aid budget for five of our country enterprise programs: Myanmar, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda. The stop work order and notice of suspensions announced on January 24, 2025, required Alight to immediately stop work on critical programs.

What does the termination of 10,000 foreign aid contracts announced on February 26th mean for humanitarian aid organizations?

On February 26, 2025, the Trump administration terminated more than 90% of USAID contracts (5,800) and 60% of State Department contracts (4,100) which means $61 billion of U.S. foreign assistance has disappeared overnight.

While there was always a possibility that contracts and grants could be terminated at the end of the 90-day suspension period, the scope and speed of these terminations will lead to a global tragedy.

Many humanitarian organizations had to dramatically reduce their staff and programs because of the stop work orders and notice of suspensions received on January 24th but the latest termination letters put many more lives at risk. Foreign aid is critical for America’s economy, security and reputation so we hope the administration will reverse the terminations for lifesaving services and resume a careful and fair review.

But has Alight been forced to leave any of the places it works?

We haven’t yet had to leave any of the countries where we work, but we have had to close critical programs such as protection services for women and children fleeing violence and lifesaving health programs for malaria in Myanmar. So far, it’s funding from the U.S. foreign aid budget that has been lost, not our permission or ability to work in any of the countries or places we do.

What can I do first?

Donate. We’re facing a big gap. More than ever, your gift matters.

What about the waiver for ‘lifesaving humanitarian assistance’ that was announced on January 28, 2025? Do these still apply?

Although Alight had not received payment from the US government since January 20th, we made a strategic decision to continue our lifesaving services over the past several weeks based on a very conservative definition of the life-saving waiver that was announced by U.S. Secretary of State on January 28, 2025. The contract terminations mean that the life-saving waivers previously received no longer apply. We are working to get additional clarity if an exception may be possible for these specific programs.

We must now raise private philanthropy to fill the gap. That’s why it’s so critical that our supporters continue to show up. No amount is too small: give a gift today.

What can I do, besides donating?

Giving is vital in this moment, as we’re facing a big shortfall. But you can also…

  • Talk to family and friends. We put together this FAQ because the situation is so chaotic and confusing. Share what you’ve learned here so they understand the need.
  • Let your elected officials know you value foreign assistance. Costing less than 1% of the federal budget – foreign assistance saves millions of lives, helps create stability and prevents costly world crises.
  • Share your ideas. This is unprecedented for Alight. We’ve never faced a challenge on this scale. Your ideas for how to make it through are very welcome. Reach out to us at

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Can Alight appeal to other countries for aid that used to come from the USA?

We’re appealing to our remaining funders for flexibility AND additional support, and some funders have been able to step up. But the foreign aid gap created by the US government is far too great for a single country or funder to fill alone. UN agencies have also suffered funding cuts and terminations from the U.S. government, and may be forced to pass those cuts on to Alight and other organizations.

What happens next for Alight?

If the contract terminations hold and lifesaving humanitarian programs are not resumed, Alight will look like a considerably different organization in the future. While we know that many organizations will not be able to survive this period, Alight’s decisions to downsize its global team by 50%, permanently close select programs, and engage Alight’s trusted partners and donor community provide us confidence.

Do you have any idea how the rest of the world is feeling about us? Do they think we are all on board with this?

89% of Americans believe we should spend at least 1% of the federal budget on foreign assistance. But as humanitarian programs funded by the US government start to close, it can be hard to separate the American people from the American government. Some of our customers have asked why are Americans doing this? Meanwhile, others understand that these terminations are not what the vast majority of Americans want.

How do we stay updated?

We’re hosting virtual briefings every Tuesday to share the latest updates. To join, just RSVP at, and we’ll send you the registration details.

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