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    Powering young people to make change in Somalia

    Day 75

    The Future is Bright

    The city of Kismayo is going through a transition. On the southern coast of Somalia, it’s seen an influx of thousands of former refugees, coming home for the first time in decades.

    One of the things we do in Kismayo is help those returned refugees find their feet again – helping shape Kismayo to be the most welcoming place it can be. And with more than half of those former refugees under the age of 30, there’s a big need for programs and activities that focus around young people.

    That’s where the Youth Center comes in!

    The Youth Center is a place where young returnees can grow job skills, meet people, gain confidence, and find positive, productive outlets. Young people learn useful job skills – like hair cutting and henna design, business, and IT skills. They organize performance and artist’s groups. And, the center offers English, design, and computer classes, too. Really, the more appropriate might be – what DON’T they do?!

    As more and more young people come back to Kismayo, it’s incredibly important that they have places like the Youth Center where they can come to learn and be with friends – and just be themselves.

    Sometimes, the center hosts close to 200 people per day! That’s a lot of teens and young adults, coming and going. So for the next few days, we’re working with these young folks to make a few changes – starting with chairs.

    We got brand new chairs for the center – now, each new member who comes seeking support will have a place to sit.

    It’s something simple – but so needed. Without a spot for everyone, how can we create the comfortable and welcoming place the Youth Center is meant to be?

    Its small changes like this that add up to big impact. Stay tuned for more as we make more change and meet incredible young people – leading Somalia into the future.

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    Changemakers 365

    by Alight


    The world’s tough problems can seem insurmountable. So at Alight, while we tackle those big problems we also do what’s doable. Right then. And that’s what Changemakers 365 is all about. Learn more!


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